The main characters of this book are Christ Harte and Emily Gold. Their parents are friends, so they grow up together and become lovers when they get older. The story begins when the police find Chris and Emily together, but Emily is dead. When Christ is taken to the hospital, he tells the police that it was going to be a double suicide, but the police had come before he could shoot himself. Emily’s family sues Chris, who has to endure the pain of being accused of murdering his own girlfriend. Throughout this story, secrets are revealed about Chris and Emily’s relationship and the true reason behind Emily’s death. I think that this is a great book that is very deep and meaningful. Chris and Emily really love each other a lot, and it is so sad that it even made me cry. The book really makes you want to know what really happens because there are so many times in the book when you think you know what happened or why something happen and be proven wrong in the next chapter. I think that people who like a lot of action in books will not enjoy this book because there isn’t much action. Anyone who enjoys romance and mystery will enjoy it though.
After reading your review, this book look interesting. Your summary of the book is pretty good, and the plot of the book is really interesting. Your summary is concise and clear with detail. I love the way you actually anaylze who should you recommended to. I also love the way you express your mood while reading this book inside the review too. Overall your review is awesome.
I am an avid follower of the romance and mystery scene so i immediately got drawn to this review. I have also read some of Jodi Picoult's books before and have enjoyed them greatly. After reading this review I want to fing out what hapens to Chris and Emily. My friend is also currently reading this novel and says she is enjoying it thoroughly so I will be reading it soon.
Usually I am not a big fan of sad books or movies. Especially suicide stories, it makes me flinch just thinking about it. But after reading your reflection and summary of this book I think that I'll give it a try. I like the way you said how you feel about the book, that when you predict something is going to happen but is proven wrong later on, I think that I'll enjoy reading this book and that it will be a great read!
This sounds like a very interestin book.By your description of it I really want to find out what happens to the two main characters. I am not an "avid mystery and romance follower" as Friend is, but every once in a while I do enjoy reading these types of books. Thank You for bringing this book to my attention.... so I may try and read it! :)
~anna meh
Although I don't really read much/any romance books, I really want to read this book and find out what happens, because this review makes it really interesting. Good job with this review!
I have read this book before and really enjoyed it. It is so emotional and touching that I cried in the end. I love reading Jodi Picoult's books because they all have a lot of meaning and are written well. It also seems like she likes to write about tragedies and lawsuits because all of her books that I have read so far have been. If you enjoy reading the Pact, other good books by Jodi Picoult are Nineteen Minutes and My Sister's Keeper.
Your review was really good,(that it's short and made me interested in it) that now I want to know the truth of character's death. I love mystery, and maybe romance, so this book will must be my favourite one!
Maria N.
Wow! i have never heard of this book but now i really really want to read it. this book review really drew my attension because i love romance books and this sounds like the perfect one for me. I think i just might go to the library tomorrow to go check it out. im dying to know what happend.
good job with the book review, it looks like a lot of people want to read this novel now! :)
- Gabriella
I love thriller/romance/mystery books. I am recently reading a John Grisham book which is also a thriller and it grabbed my interest from the first chapter.
This book seems very meaningful and your exceptionally well written review makes it sound all the better. I like the way you stated your personal thoughts at the end, it really gives the recommendation extra reliability.
Your review on this book very interesting that even urged me to read it at once, even though I don't like sad or romance book! I especially like yor summary, because it was simple, but powerful enough to attract the readers. i think I will enjoy this book a lot!
James Kim
I have enjoyed reading other books written by Jodi Picoult so I am familiar with her writing style. By the description in this review- which is ...interesting...- i probably am going to read this book. And like Anna Meh, thanks for bringing to my attention this book! :)
Sushmita C.
After reading this review, the book seemed very interesting. I liked the way you reviewed this book, the plot sounds good. I would like to see what happens next in the story. if I get the chance, i would probably read this book
jOnAtHaN q.
I think that this book will be very interesting. The mystery makes me curious to find the answer. Also I want to know more about the main characters and why the family of one of the characters sues the other.
I'm going to read this book!!!! I'm going to go check it out of the library and if it's not there, I'm going to go buy it. This review was fantastically written. I love how I was left wanting more.The plot sounds good and I like books like this so I should enjoy it. I think I may read more of this author.
Mary Margaret
After reading the review the book seemed like a interesting book to read. It is a very good review because it makes you wonder what will happen later in the story and what the results are. I like how you told your own opinion about the story.
I want to read The Pact because it sounds like an interesting story. Also it sounds a little scary since they find the boyfriend next to the dead girl.
This book seems like a really good one but at the same time its really sad. It caught my attention and even ater just reading this article i feel bad for Christ, the boyfriend. I dont get why they would kill themselves, so im interested to find out.
This review really makes this book look interesting. Like Malik, I'm not a really avid follower of the romance/mystery scene (translation: I don't like Twilight), but the way you write it makes the suspense even seep into the review itself. Great Review. I might look into it later, seeing that most people that wrote comments are girls...
Panat '13
I have read many books from jodi piccult and i really enjoy them. This novel sounds very good and deep. I am curious to if chris actualy is the one that murdered his girlfriend.
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