The main character, Nicole, goes to Paris for a semester because her parents want her to become more cultured before she goes to college. When Nicole first gets to Paris, she starts off on the wrong foot. As soon as she gets out of the cab from the airport, she throws up. Luckily though makes new friends on her first day at school. During her stay, Nicole misses her boyfriend. He decides to visit her in Paris during his holiday, but, in the meantime, a boy in Paris named Luc catchesNicole's eye. Will she stay with her American boyfriend or dump him for Luc?
I thought this was a really good book. The author wrote very descriptively. Some things happen that catch you off guard. I could really relate to the main character, Nicole, because when I first moved to Thailand, I didn’t really like it. Now I’m enjoying it more.
I love your book review. Your summary were clear and concise with detail and the conflict of the problem. The way you end the summary make me want to read the book. and i like how you related your life to the main character too. You should like to explain about the mood you have while reading the book, the author's writting style and who should you recommend to. But overall your book review was great
This seems like a very interesting book that I would like to start reading. I like the review a lot. It is very well writen and only makes me more interested in reading it :)
Carrie i really liked your book reaview it was clear and i liked how you hooked me into wanting to read the book. Now this book seems really interesting and i would like to read it sometimes. I also like the plot i like how shes leaving her home and coming to a new city and pretty much has to start over in a new school, in a new city, and making new friends. I like stories like that because i like to see how people manage to get by in a strange city with no one to help them get around but they usually manage to end up successful.
I like reading books about other countries, sometimes you can just feel it, feel the differences between the cultures and scenery through the main character. Your book review is simple but clear. it makes me want to read it more.=0)
This books sounds very interesting.I think this type of story can relate to real life because in real life, you have to make many difficult decisions.
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