In this last adventure of the infamous Harry Potter and his two best friends Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, Harry is on a mission to hunt down and destroy all remaining horcruxes. The only way the dark lord Voldemort can be destroyed is if all the horcruxes are destroyed. Meanwhile, Voldemort and the Death Eaters have completely taken over the ministry, and are hunting down all “mud bloods” to be sent to Azkaban, to the dementors. To make matters worse, Harry Potter is listed as Undesirable Number One and there is a big galleon reward to whoever finds him and turns him in. Harry, Ron and Hermione encounter numerous obstacles, and the uncertainty of Dumbledore’s true intentions.
Although my summary wasn’t very long, the book certainly is. The reason it isn’t very long is that there are so many adventures trying to get that big goal that I couldn’t possibly go into detail to describe all of them. This book is for people like fantasy, mystery, adventure, suspense, and humor (courtesy of Ron). There is also a tad bit of romance in this book. The strengths that I found in this book are that the main points from previous Harry Potter books are mentioned in this book. A lot of things are also brought into light again. I like the way that J.K Rowling ties everything together at the end and makes it all work out. I also really enjoyed reading the epilogue. I think one of her strong points is that she tied everything up, and left no stone unturned. I really enjoyed this book and thought it was the best way for an author to end a series that has been highly successful. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole series, but I think this last book was the best out of all of them.
I love all the Harry Potter series but I especially loved this book! It was more exciting because Harry and his friends were more grown up, and were able to do more complex magic. Also at the end J.K.Rowling added a surprise that was a good ending. I was really sad that this was the last book of Harry Potter, but I'm happy to know that Voldemort is dead. =]
- TK -
this review was really well written, i like her vocabulary and expressions, and i understood what she meant about many little details leading up to a main goal. she wrote a review for this book better than i would ever will. (maybe)
Well I haven't even read the Half-bleed Prince yet.. but looking forward to read it during this summer. Thanks for the good book review!
This book was really exciting. Actually I skipped 'Half Bood Prince' so it was little hard to understande the story but over all, it was really good. Also I heard one of main characters (Harry, Ron, Hermione) will die but nobody died so I relieved.
I like Harry Potter, but I always watch movies. I didn't read it my self because it was long. I think this review is good because when I read it, it makes me want to read this book.
I think this was probably my favorite book from the Harry Potter series. I like it because it answers all of the questions from all of the other books like explains Harry's connection with Voldemort. It's also very different from all of the other books because they do not attend school for their last year. The ending was ver shocking and happy but sad at the same time.
i haven't read Harry Potter books before, i just watched all the movies. And i liked it!!!!! BUt i'm pretty sure that i will be glad to read this book. And i like more to read or watch Harry Poter when they are grown ups too, therefore i think that this interesting book will be read by me!!!!!!!!
I've read this one, but I didn't get some parts (because I skipped many pages), and now, from your summary, I understood the story. It was well written:) I also liked your review that you mentioned the strengths. I enjoyed this book too!
Maria N.
I've never actually read the book but i've watched all the movies. The movies are great so i guess the book is to. Nice review !!!!!
I've never actually read a full Harry Potter book except for maybe half of #'s 1, 2, and 3 because the movie always came out right after. I like all those characteristics you describe that the book has in the summary. Lawrence!!! You didn't have to tell me Hermione, Ron, and Harry all live. I think I might start reading the book since the halfblood Prince hasn't come out in the movies yet.(I might have enough time).
Nice Review Anna Meh!
markus anderson
Although I'm not quite a Harry Potter fan, I find the plot of this book pretty fascinating after reading a bit of it. I'm also fond of books which involve magic.
Pone Urapeepatanapong
I loved the review it really just summarized what happened in the book. I myself have read all of the Harry Potter books and thought that this book by far J.K. Rowlings best work. Again I also agree with the ending of the summary with the epoulouge. I too like how J.K. Rowling ties up all of the loose knots.
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