People in the Jonas community are completely ruled by the government. Children in community conduct the Ceremony of Twelve when they become twelve. They are also assigned a career. Jonas is satisfied his life in the community until…. he becomes twelve. He is assigned the job of Receiver of Memory, simply called The Giver. He becomes the only one who can break the rule and feel pleasure and PAIN.
I think the author set up the chapter well because it hooked me to read more at the end of every chapter. Also it was interesting that author used the word ‘release’ instead of ‘killed’ in the story.
a little short, but i think i understand what they meant. partly because i also read the book.
Jetro P
From looking at the review of "The Giver," it reminds me of 6th grade, where it was required to be read just like we read "waiting for the rain." It was really scary, because nobody in the society had the feelings except for the Giver and Jonas. -Geun Ho-
Since i read this book before, i think the review is really good, but abit short for a book this good. The last sentence of the first paragraph is a really great statement of THE GIVER
Chiu I
I read this book a long time ago and really enjoyed it. It makes you think a lot about how our society and world is organized today and what it would feel like living in the world in the book. Their society is very different from ours. They get jobs at the age of TWELVE, they are assigned their jobs, and they don't communicate with people outside of their own community. It is a very interesting book to read and I also recommend ti.
I have read "The Giver" before and I think that the author has a great imagination about how the world might have another race living and the people in the other race want to discover about our race.
Pone Urapeepatanapong
I've read this book when I was in sixth grade, at first I had my doubts as I always do with books that I have to read not ones that I want to read. However my doubts were sooned 'released' when I began to read this book. Although I hated the idea of a government controlling its citizens, so it was a great relief when I read the part of Jonas' and the baby escaped the compound.
I've read the Giver before. Its a short and fun book. The author makes you want to read the book on and on because there is a bunch of suspense and it makes the book really intresting.
The book is about a boy who lives in a world that everything is perfect and he tries to run away from this world with a baby to another world where not everything is perfect I think that this book is a good book so people who hasn't read it should try reading.
i read this book back in sixth grade when it was a book assigned. i didnt really like it but i think it really makes the reader reflect on their own society because it shows a very different community from ours. i thought it was easy to understand.
I have read this book, and i loved it, it was very powerul and deep. I hink that it's interesting to have a community thats so perfect and has so many rules. The was that the auther writes this book is amazing.
I have read this book in 6th grade, and I found this book very fascinating how this community everyone is controlled by their government. The people in this community seem like robots, they do whatever they were told to do and have no creativity in their lives. I think it is depressing that you don’t get to choose anything and people there has no feelings now, they can’t even see color. It is not fair for The Giver to be the only one who receives pleasure and pain. I think other people should have fun with their life. Its also not fair that he is the only one to feel pain of all the people and the past of the world. He has to feel pain every night and day from his memories received by The Giver before him.
In the 5th grade my friend gave me this book to read. She said that it was a really good book and that i would like it. I didnt read it untill the 6th grade when we were assigned to read it. I was amazed by how deep the book was. I loved it and i would recommend the book to others that haven't read it yet.
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