Rachael, orRae, is an ordinary teenager with an ordinary life. She’s going steady with a smart, nice, boy who happens to be her neighbor, and she has an awesome best friend. Things are going pretty good for Rae until her mother receives awful news from the police office saying that her only sister and her sister’s husband died in a dreadful car accident, leaving her sister’s daughter, Julia, homeless. v Her mother decides that Julia is coming to stay with Rae’s family for a while. From her mother and her aunt’s written description of her daughter, she was a positive angel. She was smart and sang beautifully, and she made her parent’s house come to life.
Soon after Julia arrives, however, Rae’s life became a total disaster. Her cousin decides to take over her home. She steals Rae’s boyfriend, best friend, and bedroom. Was this the “angel” her aunt described in her past letters? Rae was about to lose hope when she finds figures of wax dolls, matches, and elements of witchcraft in Julia's bureau. No one will believe her when she explains and they all accuse her for being jealous of her beautiful cousin. Only her dog understands her because the minute Trickle met Julia he dashed in and started barking and bit her ankle, and Trickle with his good- nature never did that to anyone or anything before. Later on, Trickle dies in a strange and disturbing way
that leads Rae to find a way to reveal the truth about her cousin.
I loved this book, along with all the other books by Lois Duncan. This suspense novel really set me thinking. I had no idea that the book would end the way it ended. For those readers who love suspense or thrillers, I highly recommend you to go grab one of the Lois Duncan books and find out for yourself what I’m trying to tell you.